Wednesday, February 17, 2010

After the storm comes the play!!

Yesterday snow storm has made all the woofer at Day-stay extra excited. As you can see in this photo. I'm sure Jen and stef. will be updating you later with today happening.
later: Ed

Friday, February 12, 2010

Well that last storm was a wash out (I'm not complaining) though I'm sure the dogs were hoping for a little more. The two new dogs seem to be fitting in nicely. Charlie D is starting to warm up to everyone, even me (yaaaay!) he's too cute. Pheobe made instant friends with the puppy Kiffen, I think Tulla might have been a little jealous, then she realized they could work together to drive him crazy. Good teamwork, girls!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2 New Woofs!

It has been a little bit since our last update. Things at Day-Stay have been very exciting over the past week. The group has been joined by 2 new woofers Phoebe *who I will post a photo of soon* and Charlie D. seen here with the matriarch of Day-Stay Maddy. Tomorrow will bring snow to the dogs day of play, but they all seem to love a good snow storm.